Friday, March 19, 2010

Cyclone Tomas and Vorovoro

from w
The tribewanted team survived the cyclone by sheltering in the home of Tui Mali. Here's a report on the website from Vorovoro Island near Labasa.
Vorovoro Cyclone Appeal
Community → Ben Keene's blog
By bengazi, Vorovoro, Fiji Posted 1 day ago

On Monday 15th March category 4 Cyclone Tomas – with winds of 230 kmph (the equivalent of Katrina) – smashed into north eastern Fiji. It was the biggest storm to hit the islands since ‘Bebe’ in 1972. A state of emergency has been declared by the government in its aftermath as mass flooding and housing damage has left Fijian villages stranded. On Vorovoro our cyclone preparation worked well. Everyone on the island rested safely in Tui Mali’s house. No one was hurt.

Now begins the re-pair and re-build. The Grand Bure roof is a serious job and along with a lot of other minor repairs, it is a good couple of months work for a team. Our aim is to employ a team of boys from Mali (who will be short of income themselves after the storm) for up to eight weeks to help our smaller island team and visiting tribe members complete the following jobs:

- Grand Bure roof (re-thatch) and replace core posts/ strappings
- Replace and fix smaller building roofs
- Move water tank back up the hill
- Replace broken tools / smashed kitchen equipment
- Remove and clean-up all the fallen trees
- Help clean the farm areas so any surviving crops can continue to grow
Fundraising Target: $10,000fj (£3,400 / $5,250)
£10 / $15 donation will employ, feed and transport one local worker for one day.
£50 / $75 donation will employ, feed and transport one local worker for one week.
£200 / $305 donation will employ, feed and transport one local worker for one month.
Please give to the Vorovoro Cyclone Appeal. After money transfer fees (usually 3%) all donations go direct to the above projects. We will keep you up to date with progress as communications improve from the island.

Vina’a va’alevu for your support!
How to donate (pls reference your donation ‘Cyclone Tomas’): (go to tribewanted website for details)

What about Mali? Initial reports are that the villages were relatively unharmed due to their locations. Vorovoro is the most exposed of the villages in the area. But as and when we learn about projects that need extra support we will offer our help.

What about the rest of Fiji?
You can support the national aid effort by donating directly to the Fiji Red Cross

What about coming to Vorovoro and helping?
Absolutely – the best thing you can do is come and stay. Your support then has a direct impact. So if you fancy getting your hands dirty in the sunshine over the next few months get a flight to Fiji. Thank-you for helping re-build our island village! (We’ll post pictures as soon as the island is back online… Fiji time + Hurricane time)
Tui Mali, Jimmy, Jenny, Ben, Bebe, Poasa, Francis, Nemani, Woti, Kini, Jone, Pupu & Api.

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