Monday, June 22, 2009

Sai Levuka ga - the song calls you back, don't it?

from Radio Fiji:
Sullivan engine gave up
Monday, June 22, 2009

The MV Sullivan experienced engine trouble this morning as it approached Suva.

One of its engines reportedly gave up as the ship was approaching Suva.

Ministry of Health Spokesperson Iliesa Tora who was one of the passengers on board the Sullivan says that one of the engines gave up as they were approaching Nasilai.

The Ship left Savusavu at around 8pm last night and should have docked in Suva at 6.30 this morning.

"One of the engines gave up this morning and now we are diverted back to the old capital..."

Tora says that there are about 100 passengers on board and they have been diverted to Levuka.

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