Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Davuilevu - two views

Green grass and jungle, Baker Hall, Lelean Memorial School, the Vuli Talatala, houses on hilltops. One view is from Shantiniwas, which was once a building below the Dilkusha Orphanage. The other is a view from Veitalacagi where, once upon a time, the single women teachers lived near the girls' dormitory.


  1. Andrew Thornley2:29 PM

    Delightful paintings, thankyou.

    Is that church in the second picture Baker Hall?

  2. Hello Andrew,
    Artist's license of course as Baker Hall is probably is grey in colour! Just a kind of memory of when I was teaching at Lelean many years ago. Davuilevu - wet, soggy, lots of grass, but a delightful environment and people. I taught art there, even Grade 7 and 8 located in Baker Hall.

  3. Hooray, the Lelean school! It keeps popping up everywhere now that I am looking for it. Thanks for the beaut artwork. It's a great view of Baker Hall.
