Monday, March 17, 2008

Induction of minister at Narana

from Peceli
Last Friday night we went to Narana in Geelong for the welcome and induction of Rev Willie Pickett to be a pastor to the Aboriginal people in rural Victoria. What a splendid occasion it was with lots of music, informal speeches, prayers and I met some Aboriginal friends there such as Vince Ross (playing the keyboard in the photo) and had a yarn with a didgeridoo player, Norm whose playing is really terrific. The service opened with the didgeridoo and it was awesome. Willie Pickett comes to Geelong from West Australia and he is a minister in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Congress, a part of the Uniting Church in Australia. I have been associated with people from the indigenous communities ever since coming over to Australia from Fiji. We have a lot in common and have some very good friends from their communities. They are happy about the 'saying sorry' from the new Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.

Two websites of didgeridoo music are on youtube.

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