Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dudley Church on the go

Alumita Taganesia, Niko Tubukinavere and Reverend William Lucas with the Dudley Methodist Church strategic plan launched yesterday.
from w
Good to see a picture of three people from Dudley church in Suva - my old church, once upon a time, when Rev Fullerton was there. It was 'service' oriented anyway so there's nothing new. My relationship with the people in the Indian Division of the Fiji Methodist Church started when I was 23, a passionate newcomer to Fiji who wanted to change the world. Since that time I have been associated with Dudley, Dilkusha, Wesley in Lautoka, Rakiraki and Labasa Indian Division church communities. Peceli was a padre in Lautoka, Rakiraki and Dilkusha many years ago as he speaks Labasa kind of Hindi. Good luck Dudley with your project and may God's peace give you courage in these very trying times.

in the Fiji papers today:
Church now 'service-oriented'Monday, March 17, 2008

THE Dudley Methodist Memorial Church hopes to be more service-oriented to its members and the community at large after the launch of its five-year strategic plan yesterday. The 54-page document which would be printed into small booklets contains different issues on which the church would work on such as its vision, positioning, church-growth and opportunities and relevance.

Divisional superintendent Reverend William Lucas said the plan which is based on the theme "building a better Fiji" was compiled after a analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - typical business analysis - was done within the church.

Mr Lucas said one of the main priority of the church is "evangelising" the Indian communities which he admits they have lost focus on. "Dudley Church is now being re-organised towards its original purpose with refocused vision and mission under our new strategic plan," said Mr Lucas. "With much prayers and agonising for seven years, our God, forever faithful, finally responded at the beginning of 2007. He provided the labourers and the stage for introducing this vision work and the plan began to emerge and take concrete shape."

He said the plan articulates the vision, mission and strategic actions that members of the church will take to build a "progressive church blessed by God"
The plan states that their long-term vision is to make it the "number one" church in Fiji and be the choice for anyone who wishes to worship God and deepen his or her faith in Christ. It says Fiji can no longer rely on national policies to creating jobs, security and growth but on God.

Taking the present situation into account, the Plan has also made some observations into Fiji's present situation. It said that "news headlines today still reported our nation at the brink of bankruptcy, people losing their jobs, incomes losses, rising prices on imported goods, industrial unrests, people without water and essential commodities, poor services, life threatening robberies, famine and sufferings from drought, flooding and other natural and made-made disasters."

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