Sunday, October 21, 2007

Vorovoro - teaching Mali kids new things

from w
The latest from the tribewanted website includes stories in the chief's blog about the relationship between the tribewanted visitors and the local Mali school children with a competition on growing sunflowers and a fundraising with pressed flowers. Way to go!


  1. Thanks for featuring some of Tribewanted's latest news on your blog! It's really unique, the backpacking eco-tourist community on Vorovoro that Tribewanted is doing, but this shows that it's working!

    Not sure if you've been out to visit the island, but we'd love to have you come and see first hand what we're doing!

  2. Hellow Fightinjoe,
    I've been to Vorovoro several times and also villages on Mali Island, but not since tribewanted started their eco-tourism project there. Peceli has been there two or three times recently though, and really approves of the programs. We are related to Tui Mali and many people on Mali Island.
