Sunday, October 21, 2007

A 'Green' Theology - way to go

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Though the article in today's Fiji Post website is full of multi-syllabic words and ought to be written in plainer English, the crux of the matter is that religion in Fiji should shift from being man centred to a view of conservation that is inclusive of all living things on the planet. Groups call for Green protection
22-Oct-2007 11:12 AM

REGIONAL religious and environmental organisations say a committed response to a Pacific environment theology is a moral imperative by all who call the Pacific home. The call was made at the end of the inaugural Conservation and Theology Consultation on the Pacific environment that ended on Saturday

The consultation compromised of representatives from Christian Theological Institutions who are members of the South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS), Inter-Denominational organisations and Fiji-based Conservation Organisations met at the Jovili Meo Mission Centre of the Pacific Theological College in Suva.

A joint statement from the participants of the consultation said there was a need for collaborative action by both the Pacific churches and regional conservation organisations and called on Pacific Island governments and other interested partners to join them in working towards a Pacific environment theology.

“We recognise that this is but the first phase of collaboration aimed at raising theology on the issue of conservation and commit to continuing to engaging further in the next two phases of this effort,” the statement said.

“We recognised that the basis of our “ecological” theology lies in the doctrine of creation and the doctrine of redemption.”

The statement went on to say that, “discerning a trinitarian relationship between God, the land and humankind we acknowledge that when the Land cries, humankind cries, and that when humankind cries the land cries and that when either the land or humankind cry, God cries.”

In their discussions participants identified the weakness of anthropocentric theology as contributing to the current attitudes to the environment.

“We call for a simplifying of ecological theology to enable the complex eco-theological concepts to be understood at the grassroots level and for the creation of an electronic forum through the SPATS website for discussion of issues related to conservation and theology,” the statement said.

“We commit to developing a curriculum on conservation and theology for the member institutions of SPATS and commit to developing a handbook on conservation for the churches of the Pacific.”

Two working groups will be formed (Curriculum and Handbook) to continue to work together on drafting the documents. On completion of the draft curriculum and handbook, a second consultation will be held to finalise the contents of both publications.

The final phase before implementation of these documents will be a “Training of Trainers” phase.
Another article in a Fiji paper today was very practical - about banning plastic bags which can kill fish and turtles. Yes. Supermarkets at least can offer green recycle bags to shoppers.

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