Thursday, June 28, 2007

St Mary's Primary School

from Peceli
The day I visited St Mary's Primary School in Labasa town there was a group of young people from overseas who came to teach First Aid to the students. They were teaching the boys and girls about bones and muscles. They visited several schools in the Labasa area. They came a year ago also. A nice morning tea was prepared for the visiting team. The Principal is in the blue shirt in the photo of the morning tea and Father Petueli on the right.


  1. Wow, brings back memory....This was my primary school from 1981 to 1986...Had a great time, very nice teachers. You guys are doing a great job with this blog. Keep it up!!!

  2. Hello Ratu Mo,
    Are you from Labasa then?
    Peceli has gone to golf this morning as the sun is shining for a change. It's his 71st birthday today so we might go out to Smorgies for dinner tonight.

  3. Yeah...I am from Labasa. Born and bred. Man, I miss that place. Spent 16 years of my life there...Batanikama, Labasa to be exact. Where are u guys from?

  4. Hello,
    We are from Vatuadova and Nukutatava beach if you know that place. Lived there in the 70s and go back often. It's still the Friendly North though many people have drifted towards Suva these days.

  5. I still remember that place...Its past Tabia, or somewhere there, I guess...We did a field trip there when I was in class 4 at Saint Marys. Those were the fun ol' days.

  6. Bula Mo,
    It's before Tabia but going west from Labasa it's past Wailevu, stop opposite Vatuadova village and walk or drive to the beach. 25 minutes walk perhaps.

  7. Anonymous6:43 PM

    im schooling there now im in class 5 ..5v that is..

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I think this is great.. I am an ex-scholar my self and was excited to come across this blog..Its however sad to know that the Revd Petueli Emose was called to rest three weeks ago and Fr Yusuf sahayam has now retired and if I am correct he is now the schools Chaplain- both St Mary's and All Saints..may be we should make an effort to get all the ex-scholars and talk about doing sumthin for the school..Great blog again guys ...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Isa my school. I really miss the blue dress and the white belt, and the colourful sports uniforms on Fridays.

  11. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hi i'm an ex scholar too of St Mary's and i agree with some of you guys that there should be a get together or something sop we can give something back to this school. I just came back to Labasa. and saw the school and i am struck at how old and derelict the school looks. Similar to the other buildings here in the town. I'm trying to create a facebook page, so look out in the future. We'll try and get everybody to join in on the page and connect with each other.

  12. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Hi i am still a schooling at Saint.mary's.I must say wonderful school no matter what vinaka my wonderful teachers,collegues and every1 from Saint.mary's.I must say the students are right

    From the east to the west Saint.mary's is the best,
    From the north to the south we're still the best..

  13. Joseph Rahim8:00 AM

    Hi Pecelt and Wendy
    I got so much memories from your blog. Thanks. We had a shop in the main Street from about 1941 or 1042 to 1951. It was located almost opposite the Majestic Theater. I am trying to establish when my dag started the store. It was perhaps a year or two before the fire destroyed St. Mary's Hostel. The girls and the staff were at Church at the bottom of the "CSR Hill" I must have been 6 or 7 and remember my dad and many of the shop owners rallied around with donations of clothes etc. And later the US army built a "new" boarding house.
    Would you have any idea when was the fire.
    Joe Rahim
    My uncles were the Venkataya
    who taught school at St Mary's and All Saints.

  14. I remembered my school days.Thanks for your post.
    Secondary Schools in Hyderabad
