Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sai Levuka ga - favourite song and place in Fiji

from w
Well, apart from babasiga land in Macuata I ought to say! The song was used in a Kiwi film set in Auckland, 'No 2' about a Fijian bubu. The people of Levuka are of course tauvu to Macuata! The pictures are of Peceli in the main street, Levuka hotel, a re-enactment of the signing of the Deed of Cession, and a large bure. Levuka is not a beach resort but a delightful little town on Ovalau Island and full of history and worth a visit by tourists to Fiji

Sai Levuka ga, au nanuma tu
Na kena vei lasa kece
Dau vovotu mai, e na veivei gauna
Vei siga kei Levuka

Vei vatu loa, ka koro makawa
Seva na vei biau, kei Viti-e-Loma
Dau vadugu tu, na kena cakau
Lali ni neirau vakamau

E makare tu, vei au oqo
Na noqu gauna e Levuka
E na noqu tu, kau raica lesu
Rui kamica dina vei au.


  1. So many destinations, so little fare. I'll have to check that out some day. So much history there.

  2. Every school in Fiji should send some of the students to Levuka on an excursion as it's so full of history - perhaps a better trip that that one planned by the Dudley students to New Zealand - and kids not allowed visas because Mum or Dad are in the army! Now that's not fair. I guess it is about putting pressure on.

  3. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Further to Peceli and Wendy's Blog, could somebody kindly inform me if Jasper Secondary School had organised a field trip to New Zealand late last year for Form 7 students. A number of my family members had made financial contributions towards a particular student's proposed fieldtrip expenses after she produced a letter on an original JWHS letterhead giving details about this fieldtrip. The fieldtrip, the student said later, was cancelled. Cheers!
