Sunday, April 22, 2007

More pictures of Levuka

from w
Four websites of interest that relate to Levuka are:
Fiji Museum
and Oceania ethnographica - pictures from 1840s to 1880s etc. for sale - photographs taken in Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and other islands.
Gutenberg - another site.
A travel diary about Levuka in the present day.

Some of the pictures I found interesting from those sites are placed here. One is of Levuka in 1842, another in 1870s, the Cession document in English, one of Prince Charles - perhaps a century later.


  1. Great links, thanks! I am especially enjoying the pictures on the Fiji Museum website.

  2. Levuka - Lomaiviti - people are tauvu to Macuata people. A connection that involves joking and a lot of put down, but I don't do that because Levuka is my favourite place.

  3. Anonymous5:05 AM

    14 June 2007

    Of Fly Catchers and hidden lakes.

    Of sleeping lizards and morning dew.

    It is of birdsong and misty dawns

    and fleeced clouds floating in a still pool.

    The waters ripple awake in the gathering morn.

    The first water birds head out for the far shore.
