Wednesday, March 07, 2007

International Women's Day in Fiji

from w
Bits and pieces from the Fiji papers today:

The proposed civil service pay cuts by Fiji's interim government came into effect today following cabinet's decision to implement the plan.

Nice present for International Women’s Day , I must say!

Today is International Women’s Day and the colours green, white, and purple are worn by many women. The theme this year is "Ending Impunity for Violence against Women." In Fiji, the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre coordinator Shamima Ali said the centre has been consistently raising this issue over the past 22 years and will continue to do so. "Our experience as well as global experience has shown that whenever there is a conflict or political instability such as what we are currently experiencing in Fiji, violence against women is exacerbated and it is not considered an issue of concern thus many perpetrators are excused for their behaviour."

However many women in Fiji do not know anything about having a special day.
A random survey of vendors in the Suva Market reflected this. Most of the women interviewed were ignorant that International Women's Day would be celebrated today. Most did not know that such a day was recognised in their honour.

Is (the day) going to help us sell our produce at the market or help solve our problems?"asked Alena Rabukawaqa, a market vendor.


  1. How like the maramas in the Suva Market to bring the whole concept of IWD back to reality!

  2. There are numerous women's organisations and non-government bodies in Fiji that are about improving the lot of women. They make grand statements and often do tremendously good work, but for the ordinary woman selling her bila or vakalolo in the market, what difference does it all make? Maybe for her daughters and into the future. While the patriarchical views are so strong and militarised even, it's a tough life for many women. So many are the breadwinners and you see them sitting all day at the market for just a few dollars to pay school fees, etc.

  3. I was ignorant of IWD until I saw it mentioned on a blog. But then, I'm a typical ignorant guy.

    I love that picture of the market. The colors are wonderful.

    Japan was singled out in a recent survey which showed that while 70% of companies in other Asian countries and 50% in Europe have women in high management positions, Japan has women in top management in only 25% of its companies.

  4. Quite helpful piece of writing, thanks so much for this post.
