Thursday, March 08, 2007

Great Fiji photos on flickr

Here is a great site with over four hundred photos from Fiji from Adi Nacola - and the collection is called grasskirt.
Thanks to Gilbert at Promoting Suva for the link.
Great photos including lots of Suva market, the Melanesian Arts Festival, a Hindu wedding, shoe-shine boys, even a woman selling bila!


  1. Thank you for the link. Really fed my Fiji homesickness!

  2. That link didn't work for me, but I found this address did:

    Great pics indeed. Thanks for sharing that.

  3. Isa - these are fantastic!

    I'm so homesick now...

  4. Yes, I thought it was a beaut set of photos, from someone who really knows Fiji.Not just pics of beaches. There's humour there too. Sorry about the link though for some people - perhaps the numbers messed it up and it couldn't go through. I laughed at one pic of the swordseller's table because they are such a nuisance to tourists and also the ones of the shoe-shine boys. One guy, about twenty, used to say, 'Hey radini ni talatala, let me do your sandals.' My sandals were cream and he wanted to colour them black!
