Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wise words from a bishop in Vanua Levu

from W.
Words fail me at this time when adults create fear amidst a population of mostly sensible people and I think of those kids doing their Fiji Examinations today after a week of raging newspaper headlines and macho talk.

A bishop in Vanua Levu quoted in today's Fiji Times speaks the voice of reason:

....Meanwhile, Bishop Apimeleki Qiliho the Anglican Bishop from Vanua Levu said as a church leader, he is concerned about the current impasse between the military and the government.

"I urge the leaders of both the government and the military to urgently resolve their differences and to exercise their moral responsibilities," he said.

Mr Qiliho added that it is the moral duty of the government to defend and uphold values such as respect, dialogue, caring for the need, national unity and placing high value on wealth distribution in the country.

"Part of its moral duty is to take heed of the concerns raised, not only by the military, but by many other citizens about some of its controversial and questionable moral conduct in recent years."

He said the Government had to remember that its authenticity depended on the confidence of the people on how it governed them.

Mr Qiliho added that it was important that as citizens of this country, our moral responsibility was to remind both the government and the military to exercise their moral duty and that is to adhere to the boundaries of their roles and responsibilities.


  1. The uncertainty is the worst thing about this crisis. Chief of Staff Driti announced today that they would not mount a coup but the war of words will continue - which is totally unacceptable. But as long as they hold the guns, the country has no option but to listen to the war of words which is causing so much damage. I think the Commissioner of Police is now trying to bring it to a head so at least there is some definitive progress or action on this uncertainty and vacuum. All we the people can do is go about our normal business but the feeling of uncertainty is tangible on the streets. At work everything is normal - files move, meetings happen but on the street, everyone seems to be ready to flee home at a moment's notice.

    I am glad the budget announcement is over without a hitch at least. We now all wait for the Commodore to get back to Fiji.

  2. Thank you V for your responsible comments.
    Yes, this feeling of anxiety and trepidation is so unfair to the people in Suva - and further.

    The media is displaying a lack of common sense as well, certainly here in Australia. I am sure that half the stories told are not even true.

    I was sorry to hear that the President is in hospital. He is a nice man but the rough and tumble of the past week - and years - has been too much for a frail elderly man.
