Sunday, October 29, 2006

The power of community - Cuba surviving Peak Oil

I watched an interesting DVD at the weekend about how the communities in Cuba got moving into self-sufficiency with small farms, organic city farms, urban gardens becaue they lost access to almost all their oil supplies in the early 90s. They had to urgently transfer from large fossil-fuel extensive farming to small gardens.

Will this need to happen to us too?

A review of the DVD is as follows:

Richard Heinberg, author, The Party's Over, Powerdown, and The Oil Depletion Protocol
"Everyone who is concerned about Peak Oil needs to see this film. Cuba survived an energy famine during the 1990s, and how it did so constitutes one of the most important and hopeful stories of the past few decades. It is a story not just of individual achievement, but of the collective mobilization of an entire society to meet an enormous challenge. Lest the point be missed, I will underscore it: this particular challenge – the problem of energy scarcity is one we will all be facing very soon."

The website is here.


  1. Thank you for this post. I have not seen this particular DVD but have been aware of "peak oil" for some time and have several links on my site related to it and will add some more.

    It is a difficult subject to bring up with people as the challenge is indeed daunting and not easily addressed.

  2. The DVD is very recent I think. My sister-in-law was given it from a friend in Melbourne. It's probably not in the video shops yet.

    I was very impressed by it and thought about it in relation to Fiji and also here because we are so dependent upon shops and others and certainly no longer as self-sufficient as in my parents' day when there were chickens, fruit, vegies, all in the back yard. It would also be lovely if we went back to a bicycle culture.

  3. Perhaps I'll do a post that recommends specific books and links.

    It's one of the reasons I no longer drive a car and instead use my bike. Also why I've been working on a home on Taveuni. The places which are less dependent on oil now will have an easier time. Fiji can transition much more easily (less hard) than Australia or other 1st world countries.

    If I don't make a home in Taveuni in time, I'd like to do a home bicycle business here in Japan. I know enough about them to do that and offer bicycle based services as well (employing younger guys than I!).

  4. Hi Peceli and Wendy:

    Off the post topic, but do you have any insight into the current mess in Fiji?

  5. We asked the same question to friends in Fiji and they said it's mainly a beatup by the newspapers, and of course a 'war of words' by the Army Commander who is actually overseas in the Middle East. Mr Hughes the Police Commissioner says Suva is quiet and they are waiting for the Army Commander's return next week. I hope that the matter can be resolved.

  6. Thanks for the update.

    The damn press at their evil best again.

    I heard that it all stemmed from the military going onto the Suva wharf and seizing a shipment of ammunition that hadn't been cleared for them to take.
