Friday, October 06, 2006

plan for eco-tourism spot near Naduri

from today's Fiji Times:
Sailors invest in eco-resort
Saturday, October 07, 2006

A COUPLE who has sailed to more than 150 countries has decided to make Vanua Levu home and is investing its life savings in a eco-friendly farm stay with six bure. The Palmlea Farms Bamboo Bures and Bistro Resort at Tabia/Naduri Road in Macuata will be ready to receive visitors before Christmas.

Joe and Julie Smelser first came to Fiji 13 years ago and after spending seven months in the country trying to repair their boat they made up their mind to make the country home. They bought 30 acres land on which they are building the resort and preparing farms to plant fruits and vegetables not available locally.

The Smelsers said they were not in the country to make a retirement home or make money but were here to stay permanently. They said Vanua Levu had a lot of potential to expand with its serene nature and friendly people.

Joe, an architect and builder, is overlooking the construction of the six bure while Julie is looking after the financial side with her business management background.They said after travelling around the world they were sure they wanted to settle in Fiji. The choice to settle in Vanua Levu was made while they were in Lautoka and a lot of friends suggested they visit the friendly north.

Julie said they were currently working on four bure, which are expected to be completed by early December and two more bure to be constructed early next year.

She said Naduri was an ideal place because it was bright and sunny, not hot and humid and neither did it rain much.

Their couple's property overlooks the open Macuata coastline and is surrounded by Indian settlements and Fijian villages. They said they would give their visitors a touch of local tradition and culture and local delicacies.

The couple said their accommodation would offer an escape from the busy world to serenity and tranquility with scenic beauty in every direction.

Nice to see that some vavalagis are keen to invest and live in babasiga land where it doesn't rain like Suva!


  1. These people look entirely too normal and nice and express values that are too good to be true. They must be covering up something!

    (just kidding).

  2. Yes, they do seem nice.
    I wonder what eco-tourists would want to do. I think there could be mountain climbing, forest walks, fishing (that is if Tui Macuata allows a little bit on the precious reef!) exploring the shorelines and mangroves. It's not sandy beach territory. Villages and sugar cane area.
    A bit of history nearby with the Seaqaqa last stand from the 1890s I think when a group of Fijians refused to pay their taxes and were hunted down with rifles.

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Having been anchored off Palmlea resort for the last week, and coming ashore to sample this great resort's restaurant and ambiance...we give it two thumbs up! Excellent food, wonderful people, great view and grounds, and well worth a stop by land or water.
    Steve and Carol, S/V Red Sky

  4. Thanks Steve. I've reposted your comment as a new blog so that it can be found today by visitors to our website. Good luck to anyone who wants to develop eco-tourism in Macuata. I'll ask Peceli to try to visit them when he's in Naduri next week.

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Hi Guys, My wife and i are hopefully going to start to build a couple of bure on Koro Island this year and make it our home. Would appreciate any help anyone has on bure designs and builders. Koro is also a very eco friendly place and look forward to a new outlook on life.

    Mike & Kirsty

  6. Good luck Mike and Kirsty on your plans for a house on Koro Island. I'm sure there are many good plans for modified bures. Even talk with the people of tribewanted on Vorovoro for ideas about keeping the environment sweet and nice.
