Saturday, October 07, 2006

Favourite Fiji food - raw fish

from W
My youngest son's favourite Fiji food is Kokoda using raw fish - preferably yellow-fin tuna. It takes time because it has to marinade for several hours.

2 White Fish Fillets
Juice from 3 large limes
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup Coconut Cream preferably made with 'real' coconuts but a can will do
1 Onion, finely chopped
2 chillies
2 Tomatoes


1. Cut the fish into bite-size pieces and place in a glass or plastic bowl (avoid metal as it will react with the lime juice and ruin your dish) Add the lime juice and salt. Mix well, cover and marinate in fridge for 6-10 hours.

2. Just before serving, add coconut cream, onion, and the pepper. Stir thoroughly then place onto serving platter. Top with chopped tomatoes.
On our Geelong blog site I'll list some of our favourite foods. This is response to a blogger Tooners who described her favourite 'comfort' foods.


  1. That sounds delicious. Similar dishes are popular in Hawaii, but none with coconut milk. Can't wait to try that!

  2. for some reason, i can't get into raw fish. we go to a japanese restaurant here and i've tried it, but each time, i feel like i'm going to get sick. i think that if i was raised on it, it would be different. nice that your son has such a wide palet and enjoys such foods.

  3. I like kokoda too and it's usually on the menu at a Fiji party - which seems to be every week or so in Melbourne. The lime/lemon marinade changes the fish so that it doesn't seem raw. The Melbourne cooks tend to put in too many chillies so that the subtle taste is overwhelmed!

  4. Kokoda is really delicious and quite unlike sushi. I just wish that I trusted our English fishmonger to supply fresh enough fish

  5. I love kokoda!

    When my parents had parties in Fiji and my mother prepared kokoda, I was in charge of grating the coconuts and making the lolo (coconut milk). It just tastes better with fresh lolo!

  6. Anonymous8:33 PM

    does it have a history??
