Sunday, October 22, 2006

Little boxes on the hillsides - at Vunivutu

Are they bathing boxes?
How strange to be in the Nadogo part of Macuata?
So small - certainly not for a Fiji family.

Okay, they are for the Survivor 14 crew? Perhaps each little box has an air conditioner and electricity? What will they do with them when the film crew exit the area? Give them away?

Meanwhile, don't let the rain come down - my roof's got a hole in it...
Not likely here in Oz as there is a serious drought - while in Fiji, it pours and pours!


  1. Seeing those airconditioners makes me laugh!

  2. They certainly are strange in the tropics, in long rows - so uninviting - no open doors, open windows in a country where hospitality is evident even in house design.
    In comparison the tribeswanted gang have a large bure on Vorovoro Island with open windows and looks like they all bunk down together! Way to go.
