Monday, August 14, 2006

The new Rewa Bridge in Fiji

I think the new bridge could be named the Uro Rewa Bridge or the Rewa Uro Bridge as a concession to the anxiety about the fact that the European gift of millions of dollars helped to build it. 'Uro' a Fijian slang and not quite 'Euro,' but near enough. It's meaning? Well, something like 'Hello, good-looking!'


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Drinking grog in Suva and the following are our comments

    The bridge should be called davuilevu

    It should be called Rewa bridge, because the bridge is linking traditional ties of kubuna and burabasaga in the area.

    Small bale says it should be called europa bridge

    George say it should be called Rewa bridge and if the european union wanted to name it they should have put it in a condition of the funding

  2. Well, hullo there to the grog circle! Davuilevu - hmmm good idea but... Yes Ravu, that's what a lot of people will say, the traditional ties. Also, someone said the crossing of the river was an important step in spreading the lotu - from Rewa. Europa? Nah!
    I had a great day in Melbourne today - did the consultancy task and then walked around four art galleries and St Paul's church. Now I can hardly walk!

  3. Does it replace the old Rewa Bridge, (will the old one be demolished?) or is it a second crossing?

  4. Hello NZM! I don't know, but I would think they would keep it as a walking bridge. The new bridge comes out near the entrance to Lelean Memorial School as far as I know. That's why Peceli reckons it could be called Davuilevu which is that area. I taught at Lelean one time - a long while ago. A lovely school and compound.

  5. i prefer rewa bridge...oh nd we dont have to demolish the old bridge...coz it is made from the finest qanikai of toga and naselai...lozz
