Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Listening to the Labasa dialect from Vorovoro

It's delightful to listen to the audio from the tribewanted on Vorovoro because you can hear the guys talking in the Labasa dialect. I don't know what the visitors call Grandpa - Bubu in some places in Fiji but Pupu up in Labasa! The project is going at a great rate. Plans for three compost toilets, a kitchen behind Tui Mali's house, using the two existing bures as changing rooms for men and women, the building of two shelters for sleeping and eating, and then the clearing of the site for the large bure. Already they have waded through a mangrove swamp to cut timber, and Malau Timber Mill will provide timber as well. An update is on the Fiji blog of tribewanted. Includes the search to buy a tabua - whale's tooth, the making of a lovo - underground oven. I laughed when I read about the method of work - the Mali guys divide up so that half of them don't work, just sharpen their cane knives. The poor sods from England just keep on working, sweating, getting scratched. They have to learn that in the heat, you just take it easy!

1 comment:

  1. In Hawaii, grandparent is "Tutu" - "tutu kane" is grandfather, "tutu wahine" grandmother.

    Pupu in Hawaiian means "h'orderve" or snack.

    Thanks for the updates on tribewanted. I need to find time to read the blog.
