Tuesday, May 30, 2017

FNU to build an arts complex

This is excellent news, that the FNU plan to build a brand-new complex for arts which I presume means visual arts, theatre, dance and music.  Gone are the days when these subjects were regarded as on the periphery of studies. When I taught art in Fiji I was one of the very few art teachers and even the training of teachers in these areas was minimal. A man or woman was expected to lump art, music and phys ed all together. Much better today and we know that there is work out there for artists, musicians, actors and so on.  (Article from Fiji Villagle)
FNU estimates costs to design and build a creative arts department in Nasinu
By Lena Reece
Wednesday 31/05/2017

Nigel Healey.
The Fiji National University is estimating costs to design and build a creative arts department in Nasinu that will be included in their capital budget for 2018.
This has been confirmed by Fiji National University Nigel Healey, who says that they have commissioned a comprehensive engineering report to establish the cost of repairing the Raiwai FNU campus and bringing it up to a high standard.
He adds that because the damage is quite extensive and the building is old, this cost was very high and the University Council concluded that it would be more economic to build a purpose‑built creative arts building, housing a television studio, performing arts theatre, mixing suites, sound‑proofed and music practice rooms.
Healey says that the Council has also considered the most appropriate location of a new facility and, because Raiwai campus is in an industrial zone with no sidewalks, it is not ideally suited for a university building. 
He adds that the consensus was to build the new facility at Nasinu campus, where there is a lot of unused land and space for car parking.
FNU Vice Chancellor says that the new building will give the campus a cultural hub.
Healey says that their Capital Infrastructure team is presently liaising with staff from the FNU creative arts departments to design the concept for the building.

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