Friday, February 03, 2017

Young refugee deported too quickly

A young refugee faked a passport and flew to Fiji frm PNG and ten days later was deported back. But the story of his terrible experiences throughout his life didn't have a chance to be told in order to ask for asylum.  The police were too quick.

Sawari’s deportation concerns Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission
By Semi Turaga
Saturday 04/02/2017

The Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission Director Ashwin Raj.
The Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission has expressed its disappointment after the deportation of Iranian Loghman Sawari.
Director Ashwin Raj says they are concerned that the decision made by the Immigration Department has the possibility of exposing Loghman Sawari to inhuman and degrading treatment.
Raj says it is clear that from this incident that Immigration and Police officers would benefit from training on the Refugee Convention and international human rights laws.
He also says that it is a matter of national shame that political leaders, Biman Prasad of the NFP and Fiji Labour Party’s Mahendra Chaudhry cashed into this situation for political gain by invoking fears of national security and enormous burden on the Immigration Department.

He has also called on the government to review our immigration and border control laws through the Justice, Law and Human Rights Parliamentary Standing Committee.
Raj met with the Permanent Secretary for Immigration and was informed that discussions were held between the PNG and Fijian governments on Wednesday.

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