Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Giving birth after heavy rain in Fiji

In the nick of time

Felix Chaudhary
Thursday, February 09, 2017
A 33-year-old woman who bravely swam across a flooded creek and was rescued by police while having contractions, is just glad she was delivered to the Lautoka Hospital "in the nick of time".
Senibuli Tikoimoala was in labour for five hours but her family could not transport her to hospital because of a flooded Irish crossing at Paipai, Lautoka.
"I started having labour pains at 5am and although I had crossed a flooded road, the current at the crossing was too strong," she shared.
"As the pain increased, family members in desperation made an emergency call to 919 and asked police to help transport me to hospital. I was worried and scared.
"When the police arrived, they couldn't bring their vehicle across the flooded creek so there was nothing else to do but swim across.
"When I was in the police car, the officers kept me in high spirits by joking. They kept saying that I had to be strong and that if I gave birth in their car, they would take it upon themselves to name the baby."
The police officers ferried Mrs Tikoimoala to an ambulance that was waiting on the Queens Rd.
"Within minutes of our arrival at the hospital, I gave birth to my beautiful and healthy 4kg baby girl.
"She is my sixth child and our family has decided to name her Vasemaca Naqiri after one of our grandmothers."
Mrs Tikoimoala resides in Tabataba, Ba, but had decided to wait out the latter stages of her pregnancy at her brother's home in Paipai.
Mother and baby are recovering well and eagerly awaiting discharge from the hospital and a warm reunion with family.
"This is one pregnancy that I will never forget because of what I went through to deliver Vasemaca.
"But I thank God for keeping me safe and I also thank police for coming to my aid."

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