Friday, January 13, 2017

Vinaka Rob. Excellent idea.

What a pleasure to read that someone in Australia with Bua connections thinks of home as more than just a brief holiday. Rob Cromb has donated an ambulance to a hospital in Bua.  Lovely family and we remember his mother with great affection.
In the Fiji Times today:

Gift eases hardship faced by rural public

Luisa Qiolevu
Saturday, January 14, 2017
HAVING grown up in Bua and lived through the hardships faced by his relatives, Rob Cromb's Katalyst Foundation this week donated a new ambulance to the Nabouwalu Hospital.
Mr Cromb, whose mother hails from Nawaido Village in Solevu, Bua, has been a pillar of positive changes in giving back to the province.
The gift from his charitable organisation has been well received by the chiefs, who have labelled it a blessing.
Speaking on behalf of the bose vanua ko Bua, Tui Wainunu Ratu Orisi Baleitavea said the gift would mean a positive change for the people of Bua.
"It's very welcome news because the Nabouwalu Hospital is not fully equipped with vehicles to transport patients from one centre to another," he said.
Ratu Orisi said the health staff would find a huge improvement with their services in rural areas.
"The health staff will no longer find it hard to provide proper medical services to the rural areas now that they have a new ambulance."
The ambulance, worth $89,502.55 ($A57,000), has been labelled a way forward for the province in the health sector.
Ministry of Health and Medical Services national manager ambulance services Josefa Bolaqace said the new ambulance would develop the ambulance service in the province.
"For many decades, ambulance service has been a great issue and a major concern to our health and medical services in regards to the retrieval and transfer of patients from one health facility to the other and this new ambulance would help improve those issues," he said.
"The beginning of this year starts off with a tremendous step for Nabouwalu through the help of our donor partner — The Katalyst Foundation."
Mr Bolaqace said the ministry would remain firmly committed to saving lives.
He said the gift would allow the ministry to provide a quality standard of service to the community at large.

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