Thursday, April 21, 2016

School Pledge

The Fiji Education Department has launched a pledge to be said by students.
More than 220, 000 copies of the pledge have been printed and would be distributed to all schools throughout Fiji.
The Pledge
1. I will respect, love and care for my parents, teachers, friends and elders,
2. I will stay healthy through exercise and practice good hygiene
3. I will stay clean through good thoughts, works and deeds
4. I will believe in myself through faith in God
5. I will attend school daily, abide by all school rules and study hard
6. I will say NO to drugs, stay away from bad habits and value my life
7. I will use technology for good and not as a tool to hurt or harm others and
8. I am a proud Fijian and will make Fiji a nation of peace and progress.

1 comment:

  1. However the pledges haven't yet been distributed to school and are in the queue for printing apparently. Consequences of Cyclone Winston have to come first.
