Saturday, March 26, 2016

Books for Seaqaqa

Club helps school with library books

Serafina Silaitoga
Sunday, March 27, 2016
THE Rotary Club of Labasa yesterday helped students of Seaqaqa with library books.
Club members handed over to school teachers library books worth about $5400.
Receiving the books, Seaqaqa Primary School assistant headteacher Jagendra Prasad said the contribution would go a long way to satisfy the school's library needs.
"We have a library but these books will give our students a variety of reading choices and we are so fortunate to be assisted by the club," he said.
"Reading is an important part of any child's life so we have always worked towards expanding our school library.
"These new books will help improve the literacy level of our students."
Mr Prasad said students' reading skills had vastly improved with the presence of the school library.
"Even the younger classes have picked up well with reading. We have always made sure that students make good use of the library," he said.
"The teachers have seen a lot of improvement in the students' reading and we have also seen most of them take interest in reading."
Club executive Ami Kohli said the books were given from abroad.
-----------------------  It would be good to know who donated the books - from New Zealand, from Australia, from Donation in Kind Rotary projects?

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