Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hiding from the hurricane

THE amazing role women played at the height of Cyclone Winston is beginning to emerge as the Category 5 system heads away from Fiji.
In Levuka a teacher huddled under a bed protecting her children as wind ripped the roof from their home.
Delana Primary School teacher Qiokata said she heard the roof begin to rip around 9pm.
"So I woke all my children and rushed into the bedroom," she told Losana Derenalagi of fem'LINK Radio.
"The (four) children were all crying. It took moments for the roof to be ripped off and we cramped together under the bed. My children were shaking in fear but we thank God we are today able to see a new day."
Her husband is away in Australia.
In Savusavu, Leanne Hunter rode out the cyclone with her children in the most secure part of their house at shutters were blown off the windows.
At the height of the super storm,Hunter posted: "Absolutely frightening. In wardrobe now with kids. Hope this is the worst. Wind changing direction to NW."
Jean Tikaram on the Ra coast was forced into a cupboard with her children as TC Winston ripped the roof of their house.
The home eventually collapsed around them.
At Malamala, Nadi, Yasmin Khan watched the women's weather watch updates which she said helped in preparation for "what was one of the scariest hurricanes I have comes across".
She told fem'LINK Radio: "My son lives alone in Wailoaloa and lost the roof to the house. He wanted to run away but I convinced him to get inside the cupboard which is where he stayed all night."

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