Friday, November 27, 2015

Bridges to last a hundred years. I wish!

from w
In this article in the Fiji Times someone reckons the bridges on the Nabouwalu-Dreketi road will last for a hundred years. I wish!  A bridge built only a few years ago in Macuata near Labasa only lasted two years before there was trouble and it became one-way only!

Potholes spoil $1.2m bridge

Serafina Silaitoga
Thursday, February 05, 2015
A $1.2MILLION bridge built outside Labasa Town in 2009 has come under the spotlight for its deteriorating condition only five years after its construction.
And yesterday, the Fiji Roads Authority reiterated the importance of setting a high standard in construction so that structures could last for 100 years.
The bridge at Vatudova has been partially closed for about five months after potholes were spotted last year on one side of the bridge.
FRA will now have to use an extra $300,000 to replace the bridge deck.
The partial closure has raised questions on when the bridge would be repaired to allow for free flow of traffic.
The bridge sits between Tabia and Labasa and is a busy route for daily commuters.
Davendra Naidu, a Seaqaqa resident who frequents Labasa said during peak hours, vehicles would queue up on either side of the bridge.
"We only use one side of the bridge now so we have to be patient and considerate when approaching the bridge," Mr Naidu said.
"We can't understand how it got damaged so fast when it was totally new in 2009. We hope that FRA can build a better one for us all."
In statement, the FRA said repair works would be done between this year and next year.

Bridges to run a century

Luke Rawalai
Saturday, November 28, 2015
THE 14 bridges along the Dreketi Nabouwalu highway has a durability of 100 years while the roads are expected to last 25 years.
MWH Global engineer Craig Mocke said it was quite a challenge building all 14 bridges.
Mr Mocke said some were quite long while they completed the bridges over a two-and-a half-year period when they had expected a longer period.
"I think we have been very happy about how we dealt with it and the quality of the finishing was great," he said.
"The bridge was designed for 50 years but we extended it to 100 years and you can expect a longer life than that.
"The road in terms of maintenance has an expectancy of 25 years and for low traffic roads they tend to last more than that."
Mr Mocke said overloading affected the roads and bridges a lot.
"The road's 25 years life expectancy does not mean the roads would disappear after 25 years like a bridge needs repairs after 100 years," he said.
"After 25 years the roads need rehabilitation but not extreme road repairs."
While responding to concerns about overloading Mr Mocke said they had meetings with Land Transport Authority for the implementation of weighbridges along the highway.
"They (LTA) have the proper funding to implement these weighbridges," he said.

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