Monday, October 26, 2015

But where is the port?

from w
The village of Nakalou is in the vicinity of Dreketi and is there a port there for sending the bauxite away? And  - how clean is my valley - after the come in and wreck the land?

Landowners look at joint venture

Luke Rawalai
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
LANDOWNING units in Nakalou Village in Macuata will soon agree on a joint venture with an Asian company for the extraction of bauxite from their land.
Speaking to landowning units during a recent trip to the North, assistant Minister for Lands and chairman of the Standing Committee for Mineral Resources Joeli Cawaki told villagers that after they submitted their consent, they would meet the company to decide on the venture.
Mr Cawaki told villagers that Government would step in and assist landowning units implement conditions of the venture.
He also urged landowners to take ownership of the development of their land and its resources.
Despite the richness in the natural resources they own, Mr Cawaki said iTaukei people continued to live in poverty.
According to Mr Cawaki, iTaukei people continued to be blinded and influenced by the effects of colonialism.
Referring to the joint venture, Mr Cawaki said Nakalou would be the first place in the country whereby landowning units would directly be involved with investors.
Mr Cawaki said iTaukei people continued to give their resources to investors who made millions while the landowners only lived on the meagre unimproved capital value of leases they received on a monthly basis.
He said landowners were always missing during discussions regarding developments on their land.
He urged landowners in Nakalou to be vigilant and step forward for the development of their people.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy and Peceli!

    Your articles on Pacific cultures and events and are very enlightening and interesting. Particular ones I enjoyed reading are Seeto's Canoe Plants, and the Fijian Rugby players' exemplary behaviour on the Virgin flight to Brisbane.

    Keep the great articles coming!

    IQ Varea
