Monday, August 03, 2015

Cadets for all schools?

from w
I know this piece comes from an anti-government blog, but is it true that the Fiji government want cadet training in all the schools? Do we want our daughters and grand-daughters to do this - to mimic the men who sometimes use power and guns to intimidate? I think this is wrong as there are better ways to help young people to learn respect and self-discipline.  Learning to obey isn't the only way.

Fiji military to 'mould' students through cadet training

Students will learn from a young age what it is like to be a soldier in the army. 

It's been announced that Cadet training to be conducted by the Fiji Military Forces will soon be introduced to all schools in Fiji.
 The Minister of Youth and Sports Laisenia Tuitubou says Cadet training 'will ensure that our youth are imparted with values required to address social issues'. Tuitubou says this form of discipline is being introduced 'because of the change in attitude among many young people today'. 

This announcement brings so many concerns and questions with it.  Firstly, we all know the reputation of the Fiji Military Forces and how they 'disciplined' citizens and helped their commander take over the country in a coup in 2006. 

There are so many cases of innocent people being intimidated, beaten, tortured and some dying at the hands of these soldiers.

And now these men are to become role models for our children and teach them how to have good characters and be good citizens?

This is another initiative being pushed down the throats of Fiji, just like changing the Fiji flag.
But wait, we shouldn’t be surprised.  
After all this is a military regime in power under the guise of democracy and it proves itself to be the case time and time again. 

and from ABC Australia

Fiji encourages cadet training in 


Updated 20 Jul 2015, 9:20am
The Fiji government is to encourage cadet training in
schools and youth training centres.
It will be conducted by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces
The Minister of Youth and Sports, Laisenia Tuitubou says
this will ensure that youth are imparted with values required
to address social issues.

He says disciplined training is being re-emphasised due to
 the change in attitude among many young people today,
 but he emphasises that cadets will remain a voluntary,
after hours activity, with no weapons training.

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