Tuesday, June 30, 2015

No longer in a hurry about the flag

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Interesting items in today's Fiji Village.  I. Delay to talk more about that flag. 2. 11,000 signuatures in a petition led by Sodelpa to keep the current flag.  What fun they are having, disturbing the government's push to change the flag.

State sets new deadline for flag design consultation

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Update: 5:25PM THE Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama today announced the extension of public consultations on a new national flag to December 15.
"While we had originally set a deadline of today for the first phase of the flag selection process to be completed, the Government has decided to extend the period of consultation," Mr Bainimarama said. 
"More choices are going to be offered over the next few weeks and months. And the closing date for design consultations will now be 31 December, 2015. Cabinet and then Parliament will  consider the new flag design when it convenes in 2016. 
"By extending the deadline, there is now ample opportunity for Fijians of all ages and backgrounds to further contribute and consider what symbols most appropriately represent our wonderful nation. It has taken some time - in the Fijian way - for many people to become fully engaged and I very much welcome the current lively debate on the flag designs.
"We will soon be announcing precise details of the revised timetable for consultations. And I appeal to all Fijians who have yet to do so to become involved in the process in a spirit of cooperation, collaboration, goodwill and nationhood.
"I appeal to every Fijian to join our quest for a flag that represents who we are today, rather than our past, and that we can fly proudly into the future as we fulfill our vision to become a modern nation state."
From Fiji  Village
The closing date for the new Fiji Flag design consultations will now be 31st December, 2015. Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama has just announced that cabinet and then Parliament will consider the new flag design when it convenes in 2016. Bainimarama says while the government had originally set a ..

SODELPA delivers over 11,000 signatures from those against new flag design
By Vijay Narayan and Elizabeth Rokosuka
Tuesday 30/06/2015

Opposition Leader, Ro Teimumu Kepa (nearest to camera) leads the group to the Department of Information at the Government Buildings in Suva
The SODELPA youth group conducted a short march to the Department of Information at the Government Buildings in Suva earlier this afternoon to deliver signatures of 11,178 people who are against the new flag design and process.

SODELPA Principal Administrative Officer Mick Beddoes says the group was led by Opposition Leader, Ro Teimumu Kepa and General Secretary Pio Tabaiwalu.

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