Tuesday, June 09, 2015

New flag designs

from w
Final cut for a new Fiji flag. Most are irrelevant or the historical use of the drua hardly fits with a new Fiji.https://www.facebook.com/FijianGovernment/photos/a.207535979279345.54346.207532522613024/974927535873515/?type=1&theater
My comment is from l to r top to bottom, no, ok, ok, ok ok, no, no, no, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no etc. Some look like a stingray.
It seems to me that the old flag beats all of them! I now realize that the first design is meant to be a reference to the tagimaucia flower from Taveuni which is rather specific to one part of Fiji. Actually I thought it looked like two bishops dancing who thought they were sufis..

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