Friday, May 08, 2015

Top schools in Fiji

from w
One letter writer to the Fiji Times reckons one school was left out of the list of top schools.
Avineel Kumar, Nadi | Saturday, May 9, 2015
I WAS utterly disappointed to know that my former high school Swami Vivekananda College of Nadi was overlooked in the article published in The Fiji Times titled Top five in Fiji (FT2/05).
I believe despite being one of the top performing schools, the data submitted to The Fiji Times by the Ministry of Education failed to mention SVC in the top 20 schools of Fiji.To my knowledge SVC had an overall pass rate of 89 per cent in the Year 13 exam along with 78 per cent pass rate in the Year 12 exam.
I don't know if my former school was deliberately overlooked by MOE or it was a blunder made by those compiling the statistics at the MOE It is very disappointing and disheartening when reports as such are published in local dailies as I believe it discredits all the hardworking teachers and management who sweat to achieve high quality pass rates.
On another note I believe the report on the top 20 performing schools cannot be heavily relied upon as it fails to mention the total number of students who sat for the years 12 and 13 exams in the respective schools. Some schools have less enrolment numbers in their year 12 and 13 streams in comparison with other schools and getting a higher pass rate with fewer students is easily achievable.
I believe the MOE surely owes an apology to SVC and all other schools who may have been overlooked in their report.

I congratulate the management, staff and students of Swami Vivekananda College for achieving excellent pass rates in their year 12 and 13 exams.

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