Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Potential seasonal workers for NZ have to pass a hundred tests

from w
It amazes me that potential seasonal workers have to pass a hundred tests to be eligible.  Normally seasonal workers are pack packers, people passing through, without credentials except a willingness to work.  Read this -  from the Fiji Sun.  Don't they just love red tape in Fiji!

“To ensure that the selection process is transparent, the Ministry has developed two sets of Selection Criteria to be fulfilled by prospective applicants before a final Barrel Selection is executed to determine the successful applicants for overseas employment under the New Zealand RSE work scheme.
“Under the general criteria, Fijian nationals interested for overseas employment must first register with the National Employment Centre (NEC), must be Unemployed, must be living in the rural setting, must hold a  medical card issued by the Ministry of Health, possess a valid Fiji Passport, have Police clearance and hold a clean Police record, have a general health medical clearance, be of good character, must be English literate, must have some skills in agro-farming (etc.), reside in Fiji, must be accountable and a team player, must be honest and hardworking, and must have the clearance to travel overseas. As the New Zealand RSE targets low skilled workers, applicants with minimal education background are encouraged to apply.
“Under the second set of selection criteria which is the specific criteria, workers must pass physical fitness tests, pass the Rapid Upper Limp Assessment, have acceptable BMI (Body Mass Index: <29 a="" and="" audiometry="" be="" by="" clearance="" colour="" doctor="" ear="" ecg="" employment.="" eye="" function="" have="" lung="" medical="" ministry="" occupational="" of="" p="" pass="" specified="" stress="" tests="" the="" to="" vision="">
The Minister emphasised that to be considered for the selection process, an applicant must fulfil two basic requisites, namely to be registered with the National Employment Centre for overseas employment, and hold a valid Fiji Passport.
Mr Konrote also cautioned recruiters who were taking money from people on the pretext of acquiring them a place under the RSE scheme.
He said those wishing to be considered under the scheme must apply through the Ministry of Employment, Industrial Relations and Productivity, and not go through any other external parties. DEPTFO News

It's easier just to get a visitor visa perhaps, cross your fingers and touch wood, and then when the shout of 'tevoro' rings out, run for your lives amidst the fruit trees.
Young people from specified countries can come to Australia on a 417 visa (for under 30 years of age) and are allowed to work for part of their year-long holiday.  But beware of unscrupulous business people wo do not pay the normal wage of about $22 an hour etc.  Such as this story in today's ABC news:

Workplace watchdog says Tasmanian business paid backpacker $1.35 an hour

The promise of sunshine, adventure and a decent wage draws thousands of young people to Australia on working holiday visas every year. But the country's workplace watchdog says too many backpackers are being ripped off by unscrupulous employers. Now the Fairwork Ombudsman is taking legal action against a Tasmanian business owner it says paid an Italian worker less than $1.50 an hour.

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