Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A bright costume for a Fiji chick

from w

Kula bird inspires national costume November 13, 2014 12:14:37 PMA+ A-||| 0 inShare   Follow @ Twitter Miss World Fiji's national costume to the 64th Miss World finals in London has been inspired by the Kula bird- one of Fiji's unique parrot species. The costume which has been designed by Andrew Powell and Aisea Konrote gets its style and colour from the Kula bird which is endemic to the islands of Kadavu and Ono in the Kadavu group while the head piece draws inspiration from the 'lakalaka dance' by the Lauan people. Miss World Fiji National Director Andhy Blake said the Kula bird is significant to i-Taukei culture as the feathers were used in fans as well as in dance costumes and the Kula bird is also on our five dollar currency. "The national costume inspiration will showcase one of our endemic species and what better way to showcase the beauty of the Kula bird than in a costume to be worn on the Miss World stage." "National Costumes in pageantry should reflect the uniqueness of the country it represents and must never be confused as a Traditional Costume which is costumes that reflects our indigenous values and materials." Miss World Fiji Charlene Tafuna'i leaves our shores next Wednesday and will fly to London after spending some time in Los Angeles.

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And  an earlier design for a beauty pageant for the Fiji entrant was of a peculiar looking owl. Below are some more appropriate Fiji designs that I think look better.   Here's a video of the bird dance when dressed as an owl. Rather comical, good fun, but was it appropriate?

The bird costume does nothing to flatter the young woman.  Colours should compliment and complement her skin colour, enhance her beauty, keep her looking feminine.  Perhaps using the colours of the sea and reef would still be symbolic of Fiji - pearls, iuminous tiny shells in the bodice, various layers of blue, aqua, green in chiffon for the skirt. I have yet to see a design like I imagine would be better.

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