Friday, October 10, 2014

Letter in praise of Labasa

from w
Here's a letter from Saturday's Fiji times in praise of Labasa.  Some reckon it looks like a Wild West town with its long main street, and then the traffic with sugar trucks going by and people ambling across the road, but one writer thinks it's a great place to be.
Friendly town
I AM so proud of the new development going on here in Labasa.
Despite the ruthless dry spell which turns everything brownish, dusty and withering even to the skin and hairs, Labasa is blooming.
I recently noticed a taxi stand for one taxi only and a two-taxi zone with five to seven taxis squeezed in, Labasa style.
The stench from the Qawa River, I was told by one of my friends from the Labasa mill that once I get used to it then problem solved.
Just recently hair salon, new eateries, new hotels and of course a new bank is some of the added development here in the friendly town.
Then we have our own Vava Ni Ose (Horse Shoe) version of McDonald's, the friendly atmosphere grog stall beside the Labasa River which can match the relaxing Grand Pacific Hotel and, of course, the unmatched stall of fish parcels and fish with miti or lolo or combination of both near the Civic Centre building.
Labasa also has friendly cops who politely warn taxidrivers of making U-turns in the main street with tickets accompanied by a huge smile.
We are now looking forward to our new FNU and Damodar City complex to be built where the once historical Long Bay complex was.
By the way, if anyone requests you to go and relax under the bridge, please, don't bring your swimsuit and fishing line with you as that merely means the grog shed beside the bridge.

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