Sunday, September 07, 2014

Wishful thinking and promises in an election

from w
Oh dear Alvick you are hopeful. You don't live in Labasa now yet to tell people they should stay in Vanua Levu!  Your promises are great but wow, I don't think they will happen.  I've put in bold the bits I mean.  Here's a bit from Fiji Village Monday September 8.  And, is a meeting for twenty people newsworthy?  Alvick is a chemist I believe.

FijiFirst candidate Alvick Maharaj has called on the people in the north not to leave Vanua Levu as it is developing in terms of infrastructure and a lot of improvements will be done soon. 
While speaking to about 20 people in a campaign meeting at Vunivau temple in Labasa last night, Maharaj highlighted that people of Vanualevu should stay there. 
Maharaj said FijiFirst’s priority is to provide piped water and electricity to all the houses in Fiji. 
He added that if FijiFirst forms the next government they will ensure all the roads in Fiji are tarsealed. 
Maharaj said FijiFirst will make the policies which will last for 20 to 30 years. 

He has also assured the voters that if FijiFirst forms government they will come back to the people and have meetings on their needs and problems.

Alvick got about a thousand votes and yet he is elected to Parliament!  Okay, now Alvick we are waiting for all those beautiful roads!

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