Monday, September 29, 2014

Only two days rest for Fijian soldiers in Golan

from w
I don't think cobwebs have much to do with the peacekeeping soldiers.  I think a good bath and change of clothes was what they needed most.  We thank God and thank those who assisted in their release.  I heard that Qatar did pay a huge ransom.  Now I wonder what next because the USA are busy bombing right left and centre and perhaps even targetting Al Nusra as well as the named radical group.  Isa, I feel sorry for the majority of Muslim people who are peaceful and are also people of The Book.

 Fiji Live.
45 Fijian peacekeepers staying on: 

Tikoitoga September 30, 2014 08:28:04 AMA+ A-||| 0 inShare   Follow @ Twitter The 45 Fijian peacekeepers that were held in Golan Heights for two weeks will stay on till June next year after having taken "downtime" paid for by the United Nations. The men were taken from their post on August 28 by the Syrian Al Nusra group and were not released until two weeks later. Speaking to FijiLive, Brigadier-General Mosese Tikoitoga said the men will stay on with the rest of the Fijian contingent serving with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) till June next year when the next rotation of soldiers is due. 

The soldiers did take downtime, Brig-Gen Tikoitoga said. "They took leave paid for by the UN for a couple of days to perhaps clean the cobwebs especially after their two-week experience." Fiji Military's Land Force Commander Liutenant Colonel Jone Kalouniwai and two other senior military officers are still in Golan to hold talks with the soldiers and document their experience. "The UN will then provide a psychologist to help them. "They will stay on till June next year. They have indicated that." 

Meanwhile, Brig-Gen Tikoitoga neither confirmed nor denied reports that the Qatar Government had paid a ransom of $20 million to secure the release of the 45 Fijian peacekeepers saying he had no official document on the payment. "I can't comment on speculations until I receive something official." FijiLive

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