Saturday, August 30, 2014

Pacific Island kids in Geelong

from w
The boys won the grand final of the tennis comp. this morning. Junior team of the East Geelong Uniting church tennis club (the ones who lost their courts and clubhouse early in the year when the Uniting church head office sold them for a debt). Congratulations boys. Jordan, Andrew, Jhiah, Ben.  (Two from Fiji, one from Tonga, one of Aboriginal descent.)The seniors won two championships and another was a draw, then in a playoff lost by a game. That was George's team alas. The boys printed their own T-shirts, the logo designed by George.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Jordan's mum is from Navuso village in Naitasiri and his mums brother is Koli Sewabu.Good on you Jordan
