Sunday, August 10, 2014

Macuata woman at Women's Expo

from w
Last week women from many parts of Fiji converged on Suva for a large gathering, the Women's Expo, with accommodation paid etc. etc. and I think funded from overseas.  Some of the Macuata women, that is, from babasiga land, were at the meeting, including some of our relatives from Vatuadova such as Mila, Susu, Tarisi and Safa. I've used photos I found on the web - as I was not there! They say that over 1700 women from 499 wmen's groups participated at the three-day event at the Vodafone Arena, and the theme was Celebrating Fijian Women's Talent. It was not overtly political it seems (except as an opportunity for speech-making from one particular poltical party) as there was an emphasis on craftwork - that is women's traditional work. 

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