Saturday, July 12, 2014

Naseakula people apologize

from w
In recent years a custom of apology and asking for forgiveness has been prominent in many villages throughout Fiji. Apparently this was inspired by some leaders of the Methodist Church by performing what they called 'cleansing ceremonies'.  The people of Naseakula village on the outskirts of Labasa town have done this custom and it seems to me to always be a good thing to right a wrong and apologize. I don't know what the transgressions were but living communally surely often has some problems in relationships.

Tears and emotion as villagers seek forgiveness

Salaseini Moceiwai
Sunday, July 13, 2014
NASEAKULA villagers in Labasa embraced the spirit of forgiveness following an emotional spiritual cleansing ceremony organised by the village's Methodist Church circuit on Friday.
The young and old from the Tuatua, Wasavulu, Sumunaira, Nakoroicake, Tikinaiqawa and Banito clans shed tears and sought each other's forgiveness during the much-awaited ceremony which took place on the village ground.
In his speech, Wasavulu chief Ratu Savenaca Ritova sought the church and the vanua's mercy for his clan and family's transgressions.
A lot of bad things, Ratu Savenaca said, had happened in the past which created a barrier among villagers.
He said some of his actions also contributed to perceived splits in their relational ties, which he was sincerely sorry for.
Ratu Savenaca told the villagers that it was prudent for them to emulate the lifestyle of their forefathers, one that fostered inclusiveness, forgiveness and togetherness.
He also apologised to the church and its faithful. He added they should forgive and forget the past for the purpose of moving forward and creating a healthy relationship.
Circuit steward Ulaiasi Racaku said the ceremony was initiated by the church in a bid to bring the members of the clans together to seek each other's forgiveness.

He said organising such ceremonies was needed to ensure a better, strong and healthy relationship among the villagers.

Naseakula Village Methodist Church 50th anniversary

Salaseini Moceiwai
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
ABOUT 1000 Methodist Church members converged on Naseakula Village in Labasa last Sunday to commemorate
the church's 50th anniversary. etc.

Naseakula Village Methodist Church choir participate at the golden jubilee celebration. Picture: SALASEINI MOCEIWAI

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