Sunday, June 01, 2014

Political meeting in Labasa

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The poltical parties have started getting out there in the rural areas such as Labasa and getting a good crowd by the look of this meeting in Labasa with the National Federation party.

Northerners lament lack of development: NFP June 01, 2014 04:33:00 PMA+ A-||| 0 inShare   Follow @ Twitter The lack of development in the North, the plight of sugar cane farmers, land lease premiums and the renewal of leases were among issues raised by more than 500 people who attended Fiji's National Federation Party's rally in Labasa. National Federation Party leader, Professor Biman Prasad said people travelled from the outskirts of Labasa to listen to issues the party promises to address for the people in the North. “We also talked about the rising cost of living,” Dr Biman said. “We had people coming from Tabia, Naleba, Wainikoro, Bulileka that were there to listen to what we had to say at the rally.” Professor Biman said these are issues they have included and addressed in their manifesto. “These are issues that haven’t been addressed for the past nine to ten years, people are really concerned. The rally took place at the Labasa Civic Centre yesterday. By Vuniwaqa Bola-Bari

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