Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fiji Methodist Church launches newsletter

from w
From the facebook pages of the Fiji Methodist Church. These days they are doing a good job in improving communications by using social media, articles in the Fiji papers, and so on. Notice that the website has a download version of the new newsletter and you find it with the link  - Media.

Methodist Church launches newsletter... 

The Methodist Church's Standing Committee today received copies of the first issue of Nai Tabe, the Church's new newsletter. Produced by the Church's Department of Communication and Overseas Mission, Nai Tabe depicts the Church's renewed focus on being a servant, mission-focused church.

The name Nai Tabe was chosen by the Interim President of the Methodist Church, Rev. Laisiasa Ratabacaca and the Lay Vice President, Ratu Peni Volavola. In the I-Taukei language, Nai Tabe refers to a serving plate, or leaf on which food is served to guests.

"This newsletter is the plate on which the Secretariat of the Methodist Church in Fiji will serve our members," said Communication Secretaty, Rev. James Bhagwan.

"In Wesleyan tradition, the food will be for the mind, body and soul – providing news on the work of the church, events from the Methodist communities in Fiji and around the world, as well
as issues of concern for Methodists in our work for the sanctification of our society."

The issue is available as a free download from the Church's website and printed copies will be distributed to all divisions.

"Our sincere thanks to the contributors who supplied articles for this issue and for the hardworking editorial volunteers who have worked hard to put out a newsletter that is interesting, informative
and inspiring, as well as easy to read."
 (10 photos)

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