Friday, June 06, 2014

A gift for Kia islanders

from w
Lucky ducks, to be given a lovely new boat but of course the Kia Islanders do need such transport to get here and there. Kia is an island west of Mali Island and the people are mainly a fishing tribe.  However there is a catch, giving gifts at this time from the regime is certainly a way to catch attention and obtain favour and maybe votes in the forthcoming election. The PM takes all the credit for the gift, but isn't that what government departments just do anyway!  The boat might be free but there's the expense of petrol and the upkeep and repairs later on down the track. And where is the financial statement to show the Fiji people the cost of the  gifts given throughout the countryside?  The next generation will have to repay the loans from China of course.
From the Fiji Times today:

Boat gift excites islanders

Salaseini Moceiwai
Saturday, June 07, 2014
LIFE has been made easier for teachers and students of Kia Island in Macuata after the Prime Minister's Office handed over a fibreglass boat together with necessary gear yesterday.
Prior to this, islanders travelling to Labasa would pay about $200 for the trip, which was an expensive exercise.
While accepting the gifts, Kia schoolteacher Rupeni Seduadua said their prayers had been answered as they had been hoping for a boat for the past two-and-a-half years.
"Words can't express how happy we are now that we have our own school boat," Mr Seduadua said.
"We thank the Prime Minister, Rear Admiral (Ret) Voreqe Bainimarama for considering our request as this boat will greatly assist us in terms of transportation.
"Now, we don't have to fork out extra money for boat hires."
Director development corporation and facilitation division in the PM's office Salimone Karusi said this was another initiative aimed at improving the lives of ordinary Fijians in rural and maritime zones.
"This $23,600 government-funded project is proposed for Kia District School and we hope that it will assist them in transportation," he said.
"Now teachers and students will not have to worry about their transport to Labasa as they have their own boat."

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