Thursday, May 01, 2014

Chaudhry, in between a rock and a hard place

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The people with power in the law courts certainly know how to corner people they do not like. Isa, Mr Chaudhry is certainly in between and rock and a hard place.  It's a technical knockout as Fiji people are not allowed to open bank accounts in Australia without informing the Fiji Reserve Bank. Well, what about the thousands of Fiji people living in Australia and of course they open bank accounts!  It's a political point-scoring of course to stop Mr Chaudhry from standing in the election. I wonder if that will give a sympathy vote for the Labour Party.
From Fiji Live:
Chaudhry told to pay $2m or face jail May 02, 2014 02:08:20 PMA+ A-||| 0 inShare   Follow @ Twitter Former Fijian Prime Minister and Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Pal Chaudhry has been ordered by the High Court in Suva to pay a $2 million fine by June 30, 2014. If he fails to pay up, he faces 15 months jail, and he will only be eligible for parole after serving 12 months. Presiding Judge Justice Paul Madigan also ordered Chaudhry to comply with the Exchange Control Act and repatriate his funds to a local dealer by July 31. Prohibitions placed on his funds offshore have been lifted while Chaudhry continues to be barred from travelling overseas until his fine is paid or sentence is served. Chaudhry was convicted early last month on three counts of violating the Exchange Control Act with respect to $A1.5 million he had invested offshore without the knowledge and approval of local authorities. Reacting after the decision, Chaudhry told FijiLive he was feeling relieved as the case had been ongoing for four years. "I am relieved but I cannot say that this is the end of my political career." He said his lawyers will need to study the sentencing document and they will advise him on the next step to be taken. Meanwhile, FLP president Lavinia Padarath when approached to comment on Chaudhry's leadership status with the party said they will be issuing a statement on the matter soon. More to follow........ FijiLive

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