Tuesday, April 08, 2014

To 'change the mindset'

from w
A relative brought me some Fiji newspapers and magazines this week and it was interesting to compare the Fiji Sun and Fiji Times. So different. Now, to the topic. I am sick and tired of the term 'change the mindset' that is bandied around a lot in Fiji particularly from a particular political point of view.  It is assuming that people have the wrong mindset - or point of view - or prejudice or frame of reference about life in Fiji.  I think this is actually rude because it is putting down people as ignorant.  Even a talatala at Centenary was using this term, according to a story in the Fiji Sun - which is of course a newspaper that is  slanted in one direction and loves such a term as 'change the mindset'.  The Methodist Church in Fiji already has an excellent spokesperson in the media, but I don't think Rev Bhagwan uses this term. It's alright to present ideas to attempt to influence people but you have to be respectful and just offer different ideas, not to say  to change your mindset that is wonky!

Open Pulpit for Guest Preachers aims to ‘Change Mindset’

Methodists want to walk the talk about harmony, multiculturalism
The Methodist Church in Fiji aims to change  mindsets by inviting guest preachers to the Centenary Church in Suva.
Reverend John Samuel, was the first preacher to take up the invitation yesterday. He had arrived in the country in January to teach at the Pacific Theological College in Nasese, Suva. He is from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, South India.
He has been a preacher for the past 25 years. The church’s senior minister Eroni Moce said he invited Reverend Samuel to help change the mindset of the people.
“It is easy for people to preach or talk about multicultural, multiracial and not to discriminate but it is hard for people to actually do it,” he said.
“I invited Reverend Samuel for a purpose and that is to help change the mindset of the people as the people here are usually seeing iTaukei share the word of God but today (yesterday) it is different.”
He added people need to change their mindset and not just to say but do things.
“The people that were present today (yesterday) were enthusiastic to know what the preacher will teach,” Mr Moce said.
“I believe everyone who went home today was happy with the changes we are trying to do which will definitely help them spiritually.”
Reverend Samuel said it was a privilege to preach at the Centenary Church yesterday and hopes to do it more often.
“Today (yesterday) I preached about resurrection and how Jesus died on the cross so that our sins are forgiven,” the 57-year-old said.
“I chose to share this message as Easter is in a few weeks time and glad that God has plans for me.”
He also added the service was joyful and exciting as people were attentive and listened with interest.
Reverend Samuel will return to India in June.
Feedback:  wati.talebula@fijisun.com.fj

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