Monday, April 28, 2014

Excellent - holiday visas and allowed to work

from w
This is excellent news, that people from Fiji can go to Australia on a holiday visa and at the same time be allowed to work. This has been a bugbear for a long time - visas that won't let Fijians to work during their visit to Australia.  Owners of fruit growing properties along the Murray, in Griffith, Shepparton are crying out for workers and like Pacific Islanders who work in groups because they find it hard to get Australians to pick onions etc. This is a great opportunity for young and old Fiji visitors to make some money to send back home to support families who are having a hard time financially at present.  I read this item this morning in Fiji Village.

(and an update in Wednesday's Fiji Live.)  It is only intended for young adults and is not yet finalised.
Holiday/work visas. Not finalised yet for Fijians. Not for older people, only young adults. They suggest reciprocal rights - that is, Oz people can also work in Fiji. I don't know about that one. Anyway this is the kind of visa they are looking at.
Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)
Currently this visa is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.
Requirements - You might be able to get this visa if you:
are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
don't have a dependent child with you at any time during your stay in Australia
have a passport from:Argentina Bangladesh Chile
Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Turkey USA Uruguay.

Australian government approves working holiday visa for Fijians
Publish date/time: 29/04/2014 [08:07]
The Australian government has approved a new initiative of working holiday visa for Fijians.

It is a reciprocal arrangement unlike the seasonal workers scheme that would allow Fijians to work in Australia for 3 months while on holiday or vice versa.

This was one of the main issues discussed between Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ratu Inoke Kubuabola and Australian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Brett Mason who met in Suva yesterday.

It is the first official visit by Senator Mason to Fiji in his current capacity.

During the meeting, Minister Kubuabola briefed Senator Mason about the developments in Fiji regarding the upcoming national democratic elections on 17th September. He also conveyed the Fijian Government's appreciation for all the assistance Australia is providing for the elections.

The meeting also discussed a range of bilateral, regional and global issues.

Senator Mason returns to Australia today.

Story By: Ronal Deo.

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