Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ausaid in Fiji

from w
Despite the awkwardness between Fiji and Australia over recent years, the important grants of aid still keep coming, but not through the current Fiji government, but in different ways.  The following report is from the Fiji Times and Fiji Sun ran a story about a particular school in Labasa identified.  Also go to this website for a detailed report on Ausaid in Fiji.  It is very large. The school in the story is in Seaqaqa in Macuata, Vanua Levu, Fiji. And from the website of Aid Dfat I read:

Australian Aid works through commercial contractors, civil society groups, other aid donors, and Pacific regional development organisations to deliver Australia’s aid to Fiji.No Australian aid is provided through the Fiji interim government. We deliver our aid where and how it will most assist the people of Fiji.

Schools identified

Repeka Nasiko
Thursday, April 24, 2014
FIFTY schools in the country have been identified to receive assistance from the Australian High Commission's Access to Quality Education Program (AQEP).
AusAID counsellor of development assistance for Fiji and Tuvalu Joanne Choe said together with stakeholders, AQEP has prioritised 50 of the country's most disadvantaged schools to receive assistance as part of the program's phase one support.
"AQEP works closely with the Ministry of Education, school controlling authorities, school management committees, non-government organisations, faith-based organisations and education stakeholder community to make a difference for the most disadvantaged children and the most disadvantaged schools," she said.
"Education is a key pillar of Australia's aid program and we recognise that access to quality education is every child's right.
"We also believe that contributing to quality education for all is a means to achieve economic growth and improve the wellbeing of society."
She said the five-year program would cost a total of $93million.

Handover New Look Sparks Life

Teacher, students applaud help from Australia
Bulaivou District School’s new-look classroom blocks and facilities were opened yesterday by the Australian Counsellor for Fiji and Tuvalu, Joanne Choe.
Headteacher Maika Buli thanked the Australian Access to Quality Education Programme (AQEP) for the completion and maintenance of the school.  He said the programme had brought light to Bulavou District in Macuata and all other schools in the Northern Division to have a better learning environment.
“When there was darkness AQEP had brought in light. When there was below performance, it had uplifted the school standards,” Mr Buli said.
“We thank AQEP in guiding us through and supporting us in all its activities and uplifting the students who will be our next future leaders and contributing as well to the economy of Fiji.”
Year Seven student Kolaia Malamala said the new learning environment brought about change to the students and the school.
He said they were blessed with the assistance.
“Now we have good classrooms, desks and tables and we now can study in a good learning environment,” Kolaia said.
“Boarders now can enjoy their new double bunks and can move around easily as before we have missing window blades and rusty floors to walk on.”
Mrs Choe said it was encouraging to know that the 97 students now had new classrooms in which to pursue their education.
“We hope that students will feel happier in their new and improved classrooms and we trust they will be motivated to attend school regularly and work hard in their studies,” she said.
The upgrades include renovations to eight classrooms, student and teacher ablution blocks and two teacher’s quarters.

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