Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fijians in YWAM

from w
Yesterday Peceli and I drove to Surrey Hills (Melb) a leafy surburb with fine houses to YWAM (Youth with a Mission) for a gathering of Lomaiviti Fijians. We arrived on time and waited and waited for the lot to turn up, so I explored the strange rabbit warren set of old buildings and took photos. It was lovely to meet some of the Fijian young men who are studying the Discipleship program and working with the excellent youth outreach in difficult places in Melbourne and beyond.  Some had come from Levuka. YWAM is a non-denominational training and outreach for Christian youth and is international. We'd met some of their young people before such as at the Geelong Waterfront. The buildings at 1 Kent Rd. there evoke a past history that is problematic though - it was a Catholic orphanage for many years with some sad stories, some on web sites. YWAM have been there for thirty years so it's redeemed somewhat. I'll post something abut that later. My photograph of the beautiful Lomaiviti girls didn't turn out which was bad luck as Labasa and Lomaiviti have a specially jolly relationship. Driving home to Geelong was a bit of a pain, with a very bright sun up in front.

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