Saturday, February 01, 2014

Fijians at Altona Meadows/Laverton Uniting Church

from w
This morning we had a splendid church service at Altona Meadows/Laverton to amalgamate the afternoon Fijian congregation with the morning English language congregation.  Instead of meeting at 1 p.m. each Sunday our group will now join in the 10 am service. Rev Susan graciously welcomed our group, starting off with 'Ni sa yadra!' and later with the children Susan demonstrated making a plait of different strands. Peceli gave the sermon on the Beatitudes. This is a lively informal kind of church very welcoming to families and children and oldies. To show everyone just how Fijians can sing, the group stood up and sang a well-known Fijian hymn. When we had Holy Communion we stood in a very large circle and it was indeed a blessed time. Afterwards we had a shared lunch - chicken, pasta, watermelon, all kinds of goodies. And as usual, some of our Fiji people adjourned to a house - Sailosi's in Wyndam Vale - for kava and talanoa.  Loosening the necktie, they call it though no-one today wore a jacket and tie as the temperature today soared to about 41 degrees!

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