Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Fiji wedding in Melbourne

from w
Last night we attended a lovely wedding reception at Sunshine - (Melbourne) at St Bernadette's Hall for the son of our friends Sam and Doreen Naidu from near Werribee to a very nice young woman from Suva. They had their wedding in Nadi and now it was the turn to share with friends and relatives in Australia where they will be living. About 250 people were there, dressed in finery and saris and with lights flashing, and a smoke machine it was an interesting night. There were speeches, and Peceli, dressed in his alb, led some prayer and Christian words. The food of course was delicious even three kinds of pilau, puri, curries, chutneys and plenty of drinks. We shared a table with a woman who originally came from Labasa so there was plenty of talk, and three girls from Adelaide. Items such as an Indian girl dancing, and two groups of Fijian young men performed mekes, and invited some of the guests to join in a tuiboto which was entertaining. The music was very loud, but that's how it is with the DJ's running the shows these days. My photos weren't very good because of the flashing lights and smoke but here are a few.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog i love this blog people will get more information
